6 Wellness Incentive Ideas for Your Employees

Salary commensurate with qualifications and skills isn’t the only factor influencing employee satisfaction and their willingness to stay with the company for longer. If you want to win loyal specialists who are truly happy with their jobs and benefits, you have to boost your corporate programs. How to do it? Check out our 6 wellness incentive ideas and show your employees you cater for their needs.

What is a wellness incentive?

A wellness incentive is a type of corporate program aimed at encouraging employees to lead a healthier lifestyle. The main goal of such a program is to improve the health and well-being of employees, as well as to reduce the company’s healthcare costs.

There are different types of wellness incentives, but the most common ones are fitness programs, weight-loss programs, smoking cessation programs, stress management or relaxation programs.

Why should you care about your employees’ job satisfaction?

Everyone knows that a happy employee is an effective employee.

But why exactly should you care about the satisfaction of your team members and seek wellness program incentive ideas?

  • job satisfaction is linked to employee productivity,
  • satisfied employees are more engaged with their work and are less likely to leave their job,
  • they work more efficiently, and provide services of better quality.

employee incentives ideas

Unique ideas for employee incentives

Are you looking for employee incentive ideas? Think about:

  • offering free or discounted gym memberships –  there is no better way to encourage your employees to stay fit and healthy than by offering them free gym access. This will also be an additional employer branding benefit that will help you attract more skilled candidates.
  • giving employees access to a wellness coach or nutritionist –  if your employees need help with adopting a healthier lifestyle, consider investing in services of a wellness coach or nutritionist. This will allow your employees to learn more about balanced diet or workouts and make better choices in their everyday lives.
  • organizing wellness services like facials, massages or IV therapy these services will help your employees relax and feel rejuvenated. Moreover, they’ll add a touch of luxury into their everyday lives which should translate into improved job satisfaction and performance.
  • providing healthy snacks at work – need effective and affordable employee wellness incentive program ideas? Instead of the usual vending machine with processed products, offer your employees healthy alternatives like fruit, nuts, and seeds to help them stay energized and focused throughout the day.
  • organizing educational seminars on healthy lifestyle and mental well-being – such meetings can help your employees learn more about how to lead a healthy lifestyle and how to deal with stress. This knowledge will allow them to make better choices in their everyday lives and they’ll remember that they learned all the useful tips thanks to you.
  • giving employees days off to relax or take care of their health – sometimes, the best thing you can do for your employees is to allow them to relax and recharge their batteries, so that they can come back to work refreshed and ready to give their best. As one incentive idea for employees, you can give your team members an extra day off to celebrate their birthdays or anniversaries at the company. They’ll surely appreciate it!

The takeaway

Encouraging your employees to lead a healthier lifestyle can have a positive impact on their job satisfaction and productivity. If you want to improve the health and well-being of your team, consider implementing some of the wellness plan incentive ideas listed above.

These are only a few suggestions, but we’re sure you can come up with many more once you start thinking about it. Remember that your employees are your most valuable asset and you should do everything you can to keep them satisfied.

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