If you need to cancel your appointment, we respectfully request a 24 + hours advance notice for full refund. If you cancel your appointment within 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment time are non-refundable.
If a nurse has arrived at the client’s location and the client is not present, the nurse will try and contact the client. If the nurse fails to contact the client or if the client fails to arrive within a period of 15 minutes, the nurse will leave the facility and the client will be charged the full price of the booked service(s).
If an infusion is unable to be commenced or completed, the client will be charged a $150 “Concierge” fee. The fee applies in the following circumstances, including but not limited to:
Same day appointments booked during after business hours, additional fees stated below will apply accordingly.
Please note that all service appointments are limited to 60 minutes in duration.
When a service exceeds the allocated 60 minutes, an additional charge will apply for each added 30 minutes, as indicated below.
For every additional 30 minutes, the client will be charged an additional fee of $75.
Viva Wellness is an at-home mobile IV drip therapy service provided to support your health and wellness needs with ease throughout major cities globally. We carefully curated our premium vitamin IV drip menu with our esteemed team of medical directors to ensure the highest quality care for your personal health needs.